Sinful Conception - Chapter 5 - Zaceria (2024)

Chapter Text

The scent of melting wax and candle soot filled the windowless chamber. The only source of light was a cluster of dripping tapers, casting flickering shadows on the cold, grey walls.
Mina was slumped on the floor naked, her thighs spread as wide as they could go, belly perched between them, as it throbbed and she panted, her body glistening with sweat.

“Please god forgive me” She whimpered before throwing her head back let out a long moan of discomfort, just struggling to breathe. She was tight and pressurized, her massive belly and breasts looking unnatural on her slim frame.
Locked in the room Mina was forced to endure the consequences of her sinful actions, unable to tell the passage of time.

Nina would flinch every time the wooden door creaked open, fearing Victoria had returned to enact her punishment on her. But so far it had been the masked Sisters from before, bringing her simple food to eat and most embarrassing of all a bucket to relieve herself in. She had never felt so vulnerable before, her full and warped body on display for others to witness her transgression. The shame of it all was almost unbearable, the worst sin she had ever committed now haunting her day and night.
In the distance, Nina frequently heard the faint murmurs of people reciting prayers, their hushed voices echoing through the hallways as they filled the church above. Being so far away from them, she felt disconnected from the religious community she'd grown up in.

Exhausted as she was sleep was often denied to Mina, too often she been woken in the night by the pain, her hands scrabbling at her chest, her engorged breasts screaming for release. She massage them with shaking fingers, biting her lip as she pull and squeeze her swollen nipples before releasing a shuddering breath as milk sprayed forcefully outward over the stone floor.

As always the release of pressure and tension combined with the sharp stimulation from her oversensative nipples sent a shocking sensation of pleasure through her body.
Tears ran down her cheeks as she fidgeted clasping a hand over her mouth to muffle her unwanted moans of pleasure for fear of being heard, the strong steam slowing to a trickle leaving Mina exhausted and in agony, her moans echoing around the chamber.
The demon offspring within her stirred, enjoying the wash of shame and destain that flooded Mina as she considered the extent of her body's betrayal! Hating that she would get any kind of pleasure from this,
After what felt like days as Mina thought things couldn't get any worse the door creaked open, two sisters in black habits entered carrying a basin, earthenware jug, and a long, thin tube made of rubber. Mina recognized this as a device used for giving an enema. Fear gripped her as she realized what they were going to do.
"Oh dear sister Nina, your body is so unnatural now!" One of the sisters remarked with a disgusted sneer, holding up the enema tools in front of her.
Mina felt a chill run down her spine, knowing all too well what was about to happen to her. She felt a tear trickle down her cheek, “P-please,” she pleaded. “not.. not that... I'm s-so full!"
The sisters gave each other a sinister smile and simply shook their heads, "We've been instructed to do this, it is the only way to rid you of the demon" one said coldly. "Now position yourself so we can begin" the other ordered gesturing to the pillory.
It took some awkward manoeuvring with the protruding weight of her belly. The mound was so awkward and obtrusive, tired from lack of rest Mina managed to ease her head and arms into the pillory, body heaving with her heavy breathing both from her exhaustion and trepidation.

As one sister locked Mina's limbs into the wooden contraption, forcing her to remain on her knees. Meanwhile, the other sister began to fill the enema basin with warm, holy water.
She placed the thick bulb nozzle of the tube into the water, double-checking that it was securely fastened before handing it to the first sister. The two sisters exchanged a dark knowing glance, then moved towards Mina.
The first sister nudged Mina's legs further apart before reaching down to caress her swollen lips, causing Mina to let out a moan as she felt fingers sinking into her most intimate flesh, still wet from her earlier unwanted arousal which was now on full display.
"You dare present us your sinful desires?" The sister's voice was full of disgust, but her fingers continued to explore Nina's wet folds, circling her entrance teasingly before pushing in, causing Mina to gasp in surprise. "You are filled with lust, Nina, and it is a sin. You have broken your vows, and now you will suffer the consequences."
Mina tried to deny it, biting her lip as she shook her head. "No, please, I swear, I haven't..." she whimpered, but her body was betraying her. She could feel herself growing wetter, her hips bucking slightly against the invading fingers, and she felt a surge of shame wash over her. She couldn't believe this was happening, that she was letting herself feel pleasure in this situation, but she couldn't help it but chase it.
The sister's fingers danced and probed her most sensitive spots, pleasure building as she pushed deeper and deeper. Nina's hips started to rock back and forth, shafting herself against the sister's hand, she was going to cum!
Suddenly the sister moved her hand away and leaned in close to Nina, whispering, "You are a twisted, broken thing, Nina. enslaved to the demon and your desires, I will enjoy cleansing you."
Mina, still panting and moaning, found herself swaying back and forth, distress and frustrated at having her org*sm denied. Then with no warning, she felt a large, solid bulb nozzle thrusted deep inside of her ass, Mina squealed at the sharp pain before it settled firmly inside her filling her with its heaviness. She tries to push it out but she hardly has any strength left, and the plug is much too heavy and large to be forced out.

The Sisters didn't care, as the water slowly began to flow into her, clenching her muscles reflexively against the cold intrusion, the water slowly filling her lower body, her swollen belly hanging low beneath her as she writhed in discomfort.
"Please mercy!" Mina gasped pleadingly, squeezing her eyes tightly shut, praying silently to god, begging for forgiveness for her sins.
Her breath came in heavy pants, her body shuddering tremors of pain and discomfort. Tears streaming down her face as she felt her belly tighten even more, becoming heavier and rounder, a deep grumble echoing around the room.
The sensation of fluid flooding her insides brought back the haunting memory of what she had done with the demon, the flood of warmth that had pooled in her belly when he had cum so much inside of her, Mina groaned, as her thoughts filled with guilt and despair.
As the minutes passed, the pain slowly subsided, replaced by a deep aching sensation that seemed to radiate from her inflated belly. Mina felt exhausted, her entire body throbbing, her head lolling in the restraint.
The water inside of her was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore, it almost felt like it was heating up and the heavy plug weighing down on her made every slight movement a reminder of her plight. Now more than ever, she hated herself for her lust and the demon that grew within her. She felt so dirty, so ashamed at the feeling of her own body growing wet at the feeling of fullness from the plug in her ass. Had the demon made her like this or was she truly the whor* the Sister Superior claimed she was. She had failed her sisters and her God.
Time seemed to stand still in the dim chamber as Mina was left alone with her thoughts. Her mind wandered to memories of her upbringing in the convent, her life before the temptation of the demon. Anything to take her mind off the maddening pressure within her body, she was just so full and uncomfortable. Her skin was flushed, body pouring sweat. “Ngggghhhhh!” she groaned as she tried to push the plug out but it was much too heavy and large to be forced out, only causing her belly to growl in protest assaulting her with cramps causing the demon to stir within.

Restrained within the pillory Mina had been unable to tend to her breasts and as the hours passed they had rapidly grown to the size of cantaloupes and were only getting larger. Her bosom bloated to bursting. She could almost feel her breasts expanding and contracting with every breath she took. She fidgeted desperately pulling at her restraints.
When the sisters finally returned later Mina was sobbing by then, her nipples dark and huge. “P-please,” she pleaded. “C-can’t — I can’t take anymore. S-so full…” she groaned as her breasts bounced with a sudden bout of tension, her mounds bloating visibly. Her head snapped up and she screamed "MILK ME! Oh god they're going to burst" she cried out "pleeeassseee do something.... hurry!" she wined "oh god!".
The two sisters exchanged amused looks. "What a pitiful sight," Tsked the elder of the two before moving to either side to look at Mina's engorged breasts. One of them gasped as she saw the shiny, dark peak of her nipple poking out beneath her swollen mounds. Disgusted by yet captivated at the same time, they couldn't help but lean down to poke and pinch them, eliciting a hoarse moan from Mina.

Her breasts had become outrageously sensitive to her own touch, but as what had happened with Victoria the touch of another person, even rough, with no amorous intention, sent her body into overdrive. Her womanhood throbbing with arousal, her juices flowing down her legs as heat pooled in her swollen stomach. Her breasts ached and tightened, nipples distending significantly, almost painfully. Her breath coming hard and fast as she felt the areolas puffing out, it was coming!

"Oooo Forgive me, Lord," Mina groaned, her voice barely above a whisper, "I can't help myself.... they’re going to…they’re gonna-” She grunted as milk suddenly exploded from both nipples, splattering the stone floor."
One sister leaned in closer, whispering, "Your a disgrace to our holy order Nina, don't you have any self control?"

But it was no use. Mina couldn’t have controlled the flood of milk had she tried. She trembled, moaning in a mixture of discomfort, relief, and pleasure. In a matter of seconds milk had begun to pool beneath her.

The two sisters regarded her with smug satisfaction, tsking as if to say "See how you have let yourself degenerate and crave such baser things?"
It was humiliating for Mina, to be degraded and treated like nothing more than an animal.
When the tears had cleaned from her eyes, Mina looked up to see Sister Superior, standing in the doorway, her face twisted into a scowl. She was a tall, imposing figure who wore her religious authority like a suit of armour.

"Look at what you've become child!" She hissed "A grotesque version of the virgin mother, a woman of innocence and purity". She walked to stand by the wooden pillory, smirking. She wore an elaborate habit, the red seams barely containing her ample figure. She was a woman who took her call to serve God seriously, expressing her disdain for her young protege who chose to defile herself with the devil.

"Has the demon stirred yet?" She asked the two sisters,
"No mistress" one of them replied
"They fill her with more of the holy water!" Victoria commanded.

Mina couldn't help but scream in horror, her belly was tight and distended, the skin stretched taut over her swollen womb. She could feel the holy water being forced in, filling her up even more.
"No, please, I can't take any more," Mina pleaded, her voice trembling with fear. "I swear, I feel like I'm going to break!"
Victoria's eyes narrowed as she looked down at Mina. "Silence! You brought this upon yourself when you allowed that demon to impregnate you. You will take whatever punishment we deem necessary to cleanse your body of its evil."
Mina whimpered as she felt the enema begin to fill her up once again.
The room was filled with the echoing sound of the water flowing into her, punctuated by deep gurgles of protest as it pooled in her belly and pushed on her swollen womb. It felt as though every ounce of strength she had dissipated in that moment, but she couldn’t hide the sounds of her moans of ecstasy that followed the wave after powerful wave of pleasure that washed over her just from the fillings of her bladder. Victoria stood by the door, watching her young protege writhe on the floor in agony and pleasure, her lips tugging into a cruel smile. “This is what you get for breaking your vows, child,” she said, her eyes gleaming with malice.
Mina’s breathing quickened as the pleasure coursed through her veins. She hated herself for it, but she couldn’t deny the sensations that were building up within her. She squeezed her eyes shut tight, trying to block out the feelings, but it was no use. The tingling sensation between her legs was becoming unbearable.
Victoria and the two sisters watched in amusem*nt as Mina writhed on the floor, her massive belly swollen and distended from the enema. Her face was flushed with a mixture of pain and pleasure.

She couldn't help it - her body was betraying her, reacting to the enema in a way that she never expected. The two sisters smirked as they watched Mina's reactions.
"Look how she struggles," one of them remarked, amusem*nt lacing her voice. "She can't even control her own body anymore."
Victoria nodded in agreement, her eyes glinting with a mix of disdain and satisfaction. "It's clear that she's become a slave to her own desires a weak and vulnerable vessel, ready to be filled by whatever wickedness she encounters," Victoria said, her tone dripping with disgust.
Mina could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, the tingling sensation in her nether regions getting stronger by the second, her toes curling, gritting her teeth, trying to deny the impending waves of climax with all her remaining strength. She couldn't! She can't! Not with everyone watching! Not with her twitching puss* on full display.
But it was no use - her body was no longer her own, reacting without mercy to prepare her to experience a level of pleasure that she'd never felt before.
Nina shakes her head but it’s cresting inside of her until her lips part admitting a loud cry, as she sent crashing over the edge, every muscle in her body tensing as she c*ms hard.
The pleasure was intense, deriving from the conflicting messages her body maintained. The pain from the Holy Water in her guts, the demon stirring in her womb, the wet sting of her dripping nipples, and the intrusion of the massive plug, all assaulted her senses. Gasping for breath, her hips still convulsing as wave after wave of burning warmth pulsed through her young body.

Her face and body was on fire as the sparks in her limbs and toes and swollen tummy got hotter and hotter until she experienced a violent release like a dam bursting between her legs, a wet gush erupting over the floor.

The sisters stepped back in alarm, "Mistress! Is the child coming?" one of the sisters exclaimed, panic rising in her voice.
Victoria, who had been watching intently, shook her head. "No, sister, that was not the water breaking. That was... something else!"
The sisters present were shocked at the sinful display. One of them crossed herself, while another whispered a prayer under her breath. Victoria, however, just stood there, her eyes narrowed in disgust and anger.
"How much more can you defile yourself Nina?" she spat out. "You have no respect for your body or your vows or my teaching."
Nina couldn't respond. She was still caught up in the aftershocks of her org*sm, her body trembling and spent. She knew that she had sinned, but she couldn't help the way her pregnant body had reacted to the enema and the plug.
Mina tried to speak but words failed her, her body was wracked with convulsions, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She felt as though she was floating, detached from her surroundings. Her eyes rolled back in her head, and she felt her body going slack as if melting.
"Unlock her bonds!" Victoria commanded, her voice steady and calm despite the fury at what was unfolding before her.
The two sisters rushed to Mina's side, undoing the pillory to free Mina from it's confines, they managed to get her into a sitting position, but she was still writhing and moaning. Her belly was distended with the holy water and the growing demon child, leaving her skin dry and cracked in some places, veins and stretch marks snaking over the surface like rivers of darkness. Her breasts remained heavy and engorged, the large, dark areolas puckered and shiny with the residue of her org*sm.
"What happened?" one of the sisters asked looking at Victoria, "I thought the holy water was supposed to drive the demon out?" Victoria's face was twisted in fury. "It seems Nina's bond with the demon is too strong, but so is the will of God. We will increase the dosage, and flush it out of her system. We must try anything and everything until we can cleanse Nina of its taint." Victoria barked her orders, "Bring more holy water, and prepare another enema! We haven't destroyed this demon yet!"
The other sisters nodded and rushed to do her bidding, leaving Nina alone with Victoria. The nun supervisor glared at her, a look of disgust on her face.
"You are an embarrassment to this order," she sneered. "But I will not let the devil win. You will take the full enema, and we will drive this demon from you, even if it kills you."

Nina didn't hear Victoria's words, her mind overloaded by her intense org*sm. She felt like she was floating, all of the pain of her bloated pregnant body and sin forgotten. She wanted to feel like this forever.
Mina's head lolled to the side, her eyes half-closed as the pleasure washed over her. She was vaguely aware of the sisters bustling around her, of the sound of water being poured and the feeling of more water being forced into her again. But it all seemed distant, unimportant. All that mattered was the feeling of fullness, the sensation of release building inside of her once again.
The sisters exchanged worried glances as they watched Nina, their faces etched with concern. They had never seen anyone react to an enema like this before.
Nina seemed to be in a state of bliss, her body wracked with ecstasy at the feeling of being so full, a faint smile on her face, her eyes half closed.
The sisters watched in a mixture of curiosity and disgust, repulsed by how sinful and perverted this ritual had become.
"HOW CAN SHE REACT LIKE THAT!?!" One of the sisters cried out, unable to keep the shock and disgust from her voice. "Does she truly take pleasure in this torture?"
Victoria's gaze softened slightly as she looked at the young nun, "I'm sorry Jennifer, I know you two were close, but as you can see Nina has given herself fully to sin" Sister Jennifer looked back at Nina, someone she had once admired and looked up to.
The woman who had been a mentor and close friend to her, someone she had seen as like an older sibling through the strict confines of the church. She couldn't believe that Nina had done this, that she had allowed herself to be taken in by the devil.
The tears welled up in Sister Jennifer's eyes as she thought about how long she had defended Nina, making excuses for her erratic behaviour and giving her the benefit of the doubt. But now, seeing her like this, there was no denying the truth. Nina was lost to the devil, and it was all her fault.
Sister Jennifer's hands shook, she couldn't believe that Nina had let herself be taken in by such a vile creature. She couldn't help but feel a sense of anger towards Nina. Why did she have to give into her desires? Why did she have to betray the convent like this? But despite her anger, Sister Jennifer couldn't help but feel a sense of pity for Nina. She knew what it was like to struggle with temptation, to feel the pull of sin. She had fallen many times in her own journey, but she had always managed to get back up again.
But Nina...Nina had succumbed completely, the pregnant woman letting out a gutteral groan before moaning softly "moooreee!" The pleasure that had once been a mere distraction was now the center of her existence. She was no longer the young nun she had been, but a slave to her urges and dark desires.
Anger flared in Jennifer, her face twisted in fury and she stepped forward slapping Nina across the face.
"How could you do this to yourself, Nina?" she shouted, tears streaming down her cheeks. "How could you..." Jennifer let out a snarl of hurt frustration.
Nina was suddenly aware of her surroundings again and a prescience in the room she hadn't noticed, with a heavy heart and a gasp she realised her closest friend was standing before her, looking up she couldn't bear the look of disappointment in Jennifer's eyes, the betrayal she felt. "I didn't mean to," she sobbed.
Victoria's voice was cold as ice as she spoke. "You knew exactly what was happening, Nina. You chose to give in to your desires, to let that demon impregnate you. And rather than taking strength from the holy water to expel the demon you took pleasure from it!" Sister Victoria spat, a hint of disgust and disappointment in her voice. Nina, still shaking from the aftershocks of her intense org*sm, could only whimper as she brought her hands up, trying fruitlessly to hide her swollen belly and breasts.

Shame filled Nina "Please don't look at me!" she pleaded to her friend, Jennifer's hurt expression doing more damage than Victoria's ever could. "DON'T LOOK AT ME JENNY!!" Nina screamed in humiliation.
"Nina, you are a disgrace," Jennifer snarled, her voice low and full of disappointment. "You are no longer a sister in this order, but a vessel for evil."
Nina's sobs grew louder as Jennifer's words cut deep into her heart. She had always struggled with her vows, feeling trapped by the strict rules of the convent.
"Oh god!" Nina whimpered her mind and heart racing, her hands clasping the side of her face as realisation hit. Jennifer her friend! She'd seen her sinful display, watched as she'd betrayed everything they stood for, revelling in her twisted swollen body. Her heart heavy with regret, mortified Nina cried out in despair.
"P-probably best if I leave, I can't... I don't belong here anymore ..." Jennifer said, her voice barely audible.
Jennifer hesitated for a moment, emotion warring on her face but before she could turn and leave the chamber Nina's belly lurged erupting in movement causing her to scream, it's large mass squirming as the demon inside thrashed around.
The demon inside her was failing wildly, agitated or excited no one could say. The women could see the ripples underneath her massive belly grow larger by the second, the details clearly visible.
With every movement, Nina's voice rose in pitch, accompanied by pleading cries. "Please, no more. Make it stop!" With each movement, her nipples hardened further, milk gushing from them as if reacting to the pressure below.
Sister Jennifer looked on, her heart aching for her former friend writhing on the floor, she turned to the Sister Superior and struggling to be heard above Mina's screams asked "Is it finally working? Is the holy water driving the demon out of her?", her voice trembling with anticipation.
Victoria's gaze was fixed on Mina, who was still writhing on the floor, her face twisted in pain as she clutched her bloated writhing stomach. The veins on her neck were pulsing wildly, almost glowing, and her breath came in short, sharp gasps.
"No" Victoria admitted, her eyes narrowing as she watched Mina's belly "it's growing!" she noted "whatever is within her is getting larger and more violent".
As she watched, the demon within Mina continued to thrash and grow, her belly taking on a life of its own. It twisting and turning, bucking like a wild animal beneath her hands. Each movement sent a spike of pain through her body as the demon clawed its way deeper inside of her.
Nina's eyes rolled back in her head, her body arching in agony as the demon thrashed within her. Her gut churning with the nauseating movement she managed to roll on to her hands and knees she felt her growing belly pressing firmly against the floor beneath her. “I can't take it anymore!” Nina whined, gasping for breath as the cramping squeezed at her insides. “I’m- I’m too full, I need to… unghh…” she trailed off, gritting her teeth as her belly let out a deep bubbling sound and a burning pain hit her.

"Out now! Victoria commanded the others in the room , her eyes glaring at Nina. Horrified the sisters obediently and swiftly left the room, Jessica being the last out and closing the door behind her, leaving only Victoria and Nina.
Nina could feel her ass swelling, spreading as the large plug was being slowly forced out as she squirmed and grunted, clutching her rippling belly.
“lord forgive me! —ngghhh!”
Her arse tightened and burned as fresh tears sprung from her eyes.
She couldn’t – hold it – she couldn’t – “Arrghhhhh!” she roared, shifting and twisting, her belly being pressed into the stone floor.
“Don’t you dare girl!” Victoria growled. But then the pressure surged, Nina's belly tightening, throbbing, pushing forcefully, her ass burning as the large plug was forced out with a wet pop.
Nina gave an inhuman scream as the plug was ejected followed by a jet of thick black fluid exploding from her ass. The force of the eruption splattered viciously against the stone floor, her body trembling and convulsing, eyes and mouth wide in a silent scream.
Victoria watched in disgust as the expulsion continued, the clear holy water now dark and corrupted, Nina mewling and wailing as the black fluids cascaded from her. The sight made her skin crawl. As the flood slowly Nina sagged against her belly, despite expelling so much fluid it remained unnaturally big.
The demon's movements had also stopped, Victoria watched as Mina's belly gave a brief shudder, the demon taking pleasure in all of this as his willing host was left gasping and groaning in relief!
"Nina!" Victoria shouted, walking forward and grabbing Nina head forcing her to look up at her!
"You've allowed yourself to be desecrated with this abomination! Look at the corruption you've brought forth!" She twisted her head around towards the black sludge that covered the stone floor, still trickling out of Nina's hole.
Nina stared in horror, her body shaking uncontrollably, the sounds of her tortured cries filling the room as she felt her mind beginning to shatter, her eyes rolling up as she finally fainted, the mercy of unconscious sparing her as she collapsed to her side.
Victoria's face was etched with anger and disgust, her eyes narrowed to slits as she observed the scene before her.
She knew that there was nothing more she could do, that this was beyond her capabilities. It would be up to the Holy Father Damian to vanquish the demon within.

Sinful Conception - Chapter 5 - Zaceria (2024)


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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Author information

Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

Phone: +9617721773649

Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.